Wednesday, March 23, 2011

(Echinacea angustifolia)

Echinacea purpurea, also known as the purple coneflower, grows in the middle or eastern sections of North America.
The spiny center of the head showing the paleae,
from which the name derives

Part used: root.
Properties: Alternative, antiseptic, lymphatic, Parasiticide, sialagogue.
What it affects: blood, lymph, and kidneys.

Preparation and amount:
Decoction: simmer 5-15 min. and take 1 tbsp. 3-6 time a day.
Tincture: take 30-60 drops 3-6 times a day
Fluid extract: take ½-1 tsp. 3-6x a day
Powder: take 2-5 #0 capsules (15-30 grains) 3-6x a day.


is the most effective and lymphatic cleanser of all the herbs; and it is tolerated by the system in fairy large amount. The plant is apparently nontoxic; although, in some people, it may cause mild dizziness and nausea for a time.But mixing it with small amount of licorice root, or making the tea with 2-3 dates, it will reduce those symptoms.

Use echinacea internally and externally for acne, boils, infection, bad breath, gangrene, skin diseases,tonsillitis.It is said to be effective against all venomous bites from insects, snakes, other animals, and reactions to poison oak and ivy. It is used for open wounds and painful surface swellings.

Internally, echinacea is used for bladder infections, blood poisoning, blood purifier, fevers, inflammation of mammary glands, intestinal antiseptic, leukopenia (reduction in blood leukocytes), lymphatic congestion,uremic poisoning, venereal disease, and all chronic and acute viral and bacterial infections. It has been used for years for syphilis, gonorrhea, and in douches for all vaginal infections.Combine it with myrrh, to rid the body of pus, abscess formations, and for typhoid fever. The rootstock helps dispel flatulence. Echinacea cure digestion and is a digestive tonic.

Echinacea, is an excellent antibiotic, and ranks with goldenseal and red clover. For acute ailments, it must be taken every hour or two, as a tincture (1 tsp.) or a powder in two #00 capsules.

Externally: echinacea is used for acne.
Note: do not use the rootstock once it has lost its odor.

Warning: It should be used with caution by those who are pregnant, or allergic to ragweed or plants in the sunflower family. Because it stimulates the immune system, it should not be taken for lengthy periods by those with autoimmune disorders. Only take 1 week at a time.

Plant Description:

Echinacea is a perennial herb native to the midwestern region of North America. It has tall stems, bears single pink or purple flowers, and has a central cone that is usually purple or brown in color. The large cone is actually a seed head with sharp spines that resemble a stiff comb.

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