Tuesday, March 15, 2011


(Rhammus frangula)

Part used: bark
Properties: hepatic, laxative, galactagogue, emollient.
What affects: liver, gallbladder, intestines, and blood.

Preparation and amount:
Decoction: 1 oz. bark to a 1quart water, boiled down to 1 pint. take as needed.
Tincture: 1/2-2 tsp. 3 times daily
Powder: take 4-10 #0 capsules(20-6-) 3 times daily.

Internally, buckthorn is a purgative and works without irritating the system. It can be used for all conditions caused or associated with constipation, including liver and gallbladder problems.It produces no constipative backlash during purgation as some other remedies do; neither does it become less effective with  repeated use. The docoction will produce sweating, when taken hot. Internally, it will keep the bowels regulated. It is helpful for colic, obesity, dropsy, hemorrhoids, rheumatism, gout, and all skin diseases.

Externally, use buckthorn as a fomentation for dry or itchy skins problems, and skin diseases. It is also used for warts.

Note:  Do not confuse this buckthorn (rhamnus frangula) with its relative, cascara sagrada (rhamnus " which is a different herb.

Warning: Fresh bark and unripe fruits can cause symptoms of poisoning. Storage for a year or heating to 212 degree Fahrenheit will render the bark safe to use. Do not use during pregnancy.

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