Monday, March 14, 2011


Barosma betulina also known as Agathosma betulina)

Part used: Leaves
Properties: antiseptic, diuretic,diaphoretic,
What it affects: Kidneys and bladder.

Preparation and amount:
Infusion: steep 5-15 min. take 3 oz 3-4 times daily (donot boil leaves).
Tincture take 1/2 tsp. 3 times daily
fluid extract: take 1/2-1 tsp. 3 times daily.
Powder: Take 2-3 #0 capsule (10-15 grains) 3 times daily

Internally, buchu leaves are one of the best diuretics known. The herb is used for all acute and chronic bladder and kidney disorders, including inflammation of the urethra, nephritis, cystitis, and catarrh of the bladder. It is specific for bladder infection and good for urine retention. It lessens inflammation of the colon, gums, mucous membranes, prostate, sinuses and vagina. It is good for diabetes in the first stages, digestive disorders, fluid retention, and prostate dis orders.

As with most diuretics, buchu works better if it is given as a cool infusion. Buchu is commonly combined with uva ursi for the treatment of water retention and urinary tract infections. Make an infusion, using one ounce of buchu leaves to a pint of water. When given warm, buchu is used to treat enlargement of the prostate gland, burning urine, and irritation of the membrane of the urethra. It can be used in fever remedies.It is also used for venereal disease.

Some herbalist recommended it as an after- dinner beverage,To replace coffee: Buchu leaves (2 parts), uva ursi (2parts), orange peel (1 part), peppermint (1 part),chamomile (1part), comfrey leaves(1 part). Use 1/4 oz. of the herb mixture in a pint of boiled water and steep 10 minutes. This will strengthen the kidneys.

Do not boil buchu leaves or uva ursi, because their active principles are volatile oils.

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