Monday, March 21, 2011

(Synphytum officinale)
Comfrey Roots
Comfrey Roots

The flowers of Russian comfrey
The flowers of Russian comfrey

Part used: leaves and root
Properties: demulcent, expectorate, mucilage, vulnerary: alternative, alternative, astringent, nutritive
What it affects: bones and muscles, general effects on whole body.

Preparation and amount:
infusion(leaves): steep 30 min. tale 6 oz 3x a day
Decoction(root): simmer 30 minutes. Take 3 oz frequently.
Tincture: take 1/2- 1 tsp 3x a day
Fluid extract. take 1/2-2 3x a day
Powder: Take 5-10 #0 capsules (30-60 grains)3x a day.

Comfrey is an all-around good remedy.It has a healing, soothing effect on every organ it contacts. It may be used both internally and externally for the healing of fractures, wounds, sores, and ulcers. It aids cell proliferation, helping to heal wounds rapidly.

Internally, comprey is excellent for dysentery; one of the best for internal bleeding; it is good for coughs;catarrh; ulcerated bowels, lungs and stomach. It can helps also the pancreas in regulating blood sugar levels, it helps relieve irritations associated with the gallbladder, small intestines, kidneys and stomach. It helps promote the secretions of pepsin and is a general aid to the digestion.Comfrey is also has the highest content of mucilage of any of the herbs. Its demulcent properties, especially of the root,have been used to treat coughs and lungs troubles.It is used for arthritis, anemia, internal bleeding asthma,as a blood purifier, calcium deficiency, bronchitis, colitis,diarrhea, coughs, dysentery, emphysema and gallbladder inflammation.

Externally, comfrey is used for bruises, burns, boils, psoriasis and sprains. It is well for bedsores, bites and stings, nosebleeds, leg ulcers, psoriasis, scabies,sunburn and skin rashes.For bleeding, use a strong decoction of the root, using 1/2-1 oz, of the root every two hours until the bleeding has stopped.Bruise the fresh leaves and apply as a poultice to wounds, open sores, burns gangrene, and moist ulcers.The tea can also be put on them.A small piece of the root will reproduce itself in any shady, moist area in a very short time. Keep  some comfrey growing in your garden. Once establish, it will keep growing up year after year. It is extremely prolific and versatile.


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