Wednesday, March 16, 2011

(California Buckthorn)-- (Rhammus purshiana)

Part used: bark.
Properties: hepatic, laxative, antipasmodic.
What it affect: colon, stomach, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas.

Preparation and amount:
Decoctiom:(bark) Simmer 5-15 min. 3-4 times daily before meals or 1 cup during the day, cold.
Tincture: take 5-20 drops, morning and evening.
Fluid extract: take 1/2-1 tsp. at night before retiring.
Syrup: take 1/2- 2 tsp. 2-3 times daily.
Powder: take 6-12 #0 capsules (10-100 grains) daily.

Internally, cascara is one of the safest laxatives for chronic constipation. If used too much, it is habit forming. It is one of the best, commonest, and safest plant laxatives. It encourages peristalsis by irritating the bowels. The bitter principles in cascara stimulate the secretion of the entire digestive system- including the liver, gallbladder, stomach, and pancreas.

Cascara is excellent for intestinal gas liver, and gallbladder problems, especially enlarged liver. It also used or garlic and intestinal dis orders, indigestion, and jaundice.

In order to use it for its gentle. laxative effect cascara is best taken not as a tea, but as tincture or in capsules.
Because it is so bitter.

Note: The bark must be at least a year old before being used. Do not confuse cascara segrada( Rhammus purshiana), sometimes called "buckthorn", with buckthorn(Rhammus frangula). They are both good, but different herbs.

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