Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wild Celery 
Wild Celery

Wild Celery

Wild Celery

Wild Celery

Wild Celery
(Apium graveolens)

Part used: root, seeds,
Properties: carminative, diuretic, nervine, stimulant, tonic.
What it affects: bladder, and nerves.

Preparation and amount:
Decoction( root, seeds): simmer 5-15 min. take 1 oz. 3 times daily.
Fluid extract: take 10-30 drops as needed.
Essential oil: take1-2 drops 3 times daily
Powder: take 4-10 #0 capsules 3 times daily.

Internally, wild celery is good for arthritis, gout and kidney problems. It acts as a diuretic anti oxidant, and sedative.It reduces blood pressure, relieves muscle spasms, and improves appetite. A decoction of celery seed is useful for incontinence of urine, dropsy, rheumatism, neuralgia and to aid in ridding the body of excess acid. It can be used for gout, tendencies toward overweight, flatulence, chronic pulmonary catarrh, and into broth, to treat the same problems. The whole plant can be used to treat kidney ailments and rheumatism.It also promotes the onset of menstruation. When eaten as a salad vegetable or made into tea, it will help clear up skin problems.

During pregnancy, the seeds of wild celery should not be used, nor large amounts of the herb. It is a strong diuretic and should be used when acute kidney problems exist (but moderate used is all right when kidney problems are not chronic).

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