Saturday, March 12, 2011


(Huang Chi)

Part used: root
Properties: stimulant,diuretic, tonic.
What it effect: spleen, kidneys, lungs, and blood.

Preparation and amount::
Take 4-18 grams, several time a day.

Internally, astragalus helps neutralize fevers and improves digestion.It is one of the most valuable tonics, especially used for those under 35 years of age. It is a specific for all wasting and exhausting diseases because it strengthens the body's resistance. It aids adrenal gland function and digestion. It increases metabolism, produces spontaneous sweating, promotes healing, and provides energy to combat fatigue and prolonged stress. It helps protect the immune system and increases stamina. It is good for colds, flu, and immune- deficiency related problems, including AIDS, cancer, and tumors. Those with chronic lung weakness are helped by it.

Warning: Do not use it if a fever is present.

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