Monday, March 28, 2011

(Euphrasia officinalist)

Euphrasia (Eyebright) is a genus of about 450 species of herbaceous flowering plants in the family Orobanchaceae (formerly included in the Scrophulariaceae), with a cosmopolitan contribution. They are semi- parasitic on grases. The common name refers to the plant's use in treating eye infections.
Many species are found in alphine or sub-alpine meadows where snow is common. Flowers usually are borne terminally, are zygomorphi, and have a lower petal shaped like a lip. The most common flower colours are purple, blue-white, and violet. Some species have yellow markings on the lower petal to act as a guide to pollinating insects.

Eyebright is a partial parasite. It contains chlorophyll but gets its water and minerals from its host.
The name Euphrasia is from the Greek Euphrosyne, who was one of the Three Graces and was known for her joy, mirth and, gladness. Although known by the ancient Greeks it was not until 14th century that it is mentioned for 'all evils of the eye'.
 Euphrasia officinalis
Part used: all that is above ground
Properties: alternative, astringent, tonic.
What it affects: eyes, liver and blood.

Preparation and amount:
Infusion: steep 5-15 min and take it 6 oz frequently
Tincture: take 30-60 drops frequently.
Fluid extract: take 1 tsp. frequently
Powder: take 10 #0 capsules (60 grains) frequently.

Internally, eyebright is the best single herb for the eyes. Take the tea liberally and on a daily basis, to treat all eye problems. It cure in stimulating the liver to clear the blood and relieve those conditions that affects the clarity of vision. It relieves discomfort from eyestrain or minor eye irritation. It is excellent for itchy and or watery eyes, It has a cooling and detoxifying property that makes it especially useful in combating inflammation. It is also useful with inflammation of the nose and throat.

Eyebright is also use for allergies, diabetes,cataracts, hay fever, impure blood, indigestion nose and throat congestion and upper respiratory problems.

Externally, eyebright is used as an eyewash, especially combined with goldenseal, rue, or fennel for conjuctivitis, eye weakness, ophthalmia, burning and sore eyes, and other eye diseases. The infusion is made using 1 oz. herb to a pint of boiled water, steeped 20 minutes. A beverage tea can be made, using 1/2 oz. herb steeped in a pint of water.

Plants description:

Flower c 4-8 mm across.  Plants small, usually well under 20 cm high.
ID: Upper lip of flower with two upward-curving well-notched lobes.  Lower lip divided into three well-notched lobes.  Flower whitish or mauvish with yellow or orange blotch in centre of lower lip, and purple lines.
Other features: Flowers in leafy spikes.  Leaves roughly oval in shape, deeply toothed.  An annual, semi-parasitic plant, very variable but easily recognised.

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