Thursday, May 5, 2011

(hondrus crispus)

hondrus crispus, known under the common name Irish moss, or carrageen moss (Irish carraigín, "little rock"), is a species of red algae which grows abundantly along the rocky parts of the Atlantic coast of Europe and North America. In its fresh condition the plant is soft and cartilaginous, varying in color from a greenish-yellow, through red, to a dark purple or purplish-brown. 

Irish moss is a low-growing plant that forms small white blossoms.
Irish moss is a low-growing plant that forms small white blossoms. 

The principal constituent of Irish moss is a mucilaginous body, made of the polysaccharide carrageena of which it contains about 55%. The plant also consists of nearly 10% protein and about 15% mineral matter, and is rich in iodine and sulfur. When softened in water it has a sea-like odour, and because of the abundant cell wall polysaccharides it will form a jelly when boiled, containing from 20 to 100 times its weight of water.

Irish moss is a low-growing plant that forms small white blossoms. 
Irish moss is not moss at all. It is in fact seaweed that grows along the rocky coast lines of the Atlantic Ocean. It is especially found in Ireland where it has a long history in Irish folklore as a good luck charm to be taken on long journeys, or to be placed under the rug at home to bring money and prosperity to the household.

Irish moss was also used as stuffing for mattresses and cattle feed, but in the 19th century the people of Ireland underwent a horrific famine and Irish moss became one of the main sources of food and nutrition. More recently, Irish moss is becoming known as a healing and exciting super food.

Part used: whole plant.
Properties: Demulcent, emollient, nutritive.
What it affects:Lungs, kidneys, and skin.

Preparation and amount: 
Infusion: Steep 5-15 min and take 2 oz. 2-3 times a day, up to 2 cups daily.
Tincture: Drink 30-60 drops (1/2- 1 tsp) 2-3 times a day.
Fluid extract: drink 1/2- 1 tsp 2-3 times a day.
Powder: drink 4-6 #0 capsules (20-40 grains) 2-3 times daily.

Irish moss is a seaweed that grows among submerged rock off the coast of France and Ireland. A significant factor in its healing qualities is its high nutritional mineral content.

Internally, it is remedy for tuberculosis, coughs, bronchitis, and intestinal problems. Because it is very high in mucilage, it is an excellent demulcent for soothing in flamed tissues and is used in all lung and kidney complaints. When making a dedoction, you may wish to sweeten it with licorice root, honey, or an aromatic herb. Irish moss is also used for anemia, thyroid difficulties, goiter, and throat and stomach ulcers.

Externally, used Irish moss in hair rinses for dry hair. It is also used for dry and burning skin diseases, and  surface inflammations. It can be used externally, to soften skin and prevent premature wrinkling.

Irish moss and other seaweeds (specially Nova Scotia dulse and Norwegian kelp) are rich sources of minerals and the best sources of trace minerals. Include a little every day in your diet.

Plant Description
hondrus crispus is a relatively small red alga, reaching up to a little over than 20 cm in length. It grows from a discoid holdfast and branches four or five times in a dichotomous, fan-like manner. The morphology is highly variable, especially the broadness of the thalli. The branches are 2-15 mm broad, firm in texture and dark reddish brown in colour bleaching to yellowish in sunlight. The gametophytes (see below) often show a blue iridescence and fertile sporophytes show a spotty pattern. Mastocarpus stellatus (Stackhouse) Guiry is a similar species which can be readily distinguished by its strongly channelled and often somewhat twisted thallus. The cystocarpic plants of Mastocarpus show reproductive papillae quite distinctively different from Chondrus. When washed and sun-dried for preservation, it has a yellowish, translucent, horn-like aspect and consistency.

Irish moss is now thought to contain 15 of the 18 essential elements that make up the human body. This includes great amounts calcium, iodine, sulphur, and potassium as well as Vitamins A, D, E, F and K. This is why this most amazing seaweed is thought to be able to cure everything from bladder disorders, bronchitis, halitosis (bad breath), intestinal disorders and glandular problems to swollen joints, lung difficulties, thyroid conditions, tuberculosis, tumors, and ulcers. Recent studies have found that Irish moss does in fact have some great anti-viral properties and can help fight the Influenza B and mumps viruses.

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