Monday, April 11, 2011

(Humulus lupulus)

Hops are the female flower clusters (commonly called seed cones or strobiles), of a hop species, Humulus lupulus. They are used primarily as a flavoring and stability agent in beer, to which they impart a bitter, tangy flavor, though hops are also used for various purposes in other beverages and herbal medicine. 

Hops are a climbing plant. They are trained up strings or wires which support the plants and allow them significantly greater growth with the same sunlight profile. Energy that would have been required to build structural cells is also freed for crop growth.

Male and female flowers of the hop plant develop on separate plants (dioecious). Because viable seeds are undesirable for brewing beer, only female plants are grown in hopfields which prevents pollination; female plants are propagated vegetatively or male plants are culled if plants are grown from seeds
Hop cone in the hop yard

Mature hops growing in a hop yard
A superstructure of overhead wires supports
strings that in turn support bines

Hops are dried in an oast house before they are used in the brewing process. Hop resins are composed of two main acids: alpha and beta acids.
***Alpha acids have a mild antibiotic/bacteriostatic effect against Gram- positive bacteria, and favor the exclusive activity of brewing yeast in the fermentation of beer. Alpha acids are responsible for the bitter flavor in the beer.
***Beta acids do not isomerize during the boil of wort, and have a negligible effect on beer taste. Instead they contribute to beer's bitter aroma, and high beta acid hop varieties are often added at the end of the wort boil for aroma. Beta acids may oxidize into compounds that can give beer off-flavors of rotten vegetables or cooked corn.

Part used: strobiles.
Properties: Nervine, stomachic, anodyne, antibiotic, carminative, cholagogue, tonic.
What it affects: nerves, stomach, blood, liver, and gallbladder.

Preparation and amount:
Infusion: steep 5-15 min. and take 6 oz 3 x a day, hot ot cold preparation.
Tincture: take 15-30 drops(1/2-1 tsp.) 3 x a day. Fluid extract: drink 10-15 drops 3 x a day.
Powder: take 5-10 #0 capsules (30-60 grains) 3 x a day.

Hops is an excellent nervine and will produces sleep when insomnia is present. Internally, it has a very calming effect on the entire system. It is used for nervous diarrhea, insomnia, restlessness, headaches, shock, weak nerves, hyperactivity, nervousness, pain, stress, nervous stomach, and relieves anxiety.

But it also has other uses. Hops is used for coughs, fever, indigestion, jaundice, morning sickness, stomach tonic, throat, bronchial tubes, chest ailments, toothache, and ulcers. It will stimulate the appetite, dispel flatulence, and relieve intestine cramps. It is useful for cardiovascular disorders, sexually transmitted diseases (STD), toothaches, and ulcers. Cold tea before meals will increase digestion. The dry herb that is placed inside a pillow will induce sleep.

Externally, it is used for boils, bruises, earaches, inflammations, rheumatic pains, skin ailments, and ulcers.

Note: Hops lose their effectieness as internal medication rapidly when stored. 

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